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Look here.
Sometimes, in these parts, things just don't work out the way Clockface wants it to. Harder battles means harder work.
There's moments where you end up in the dark fighting off these things. That giant blue snake? Burnt them all to no end.
Got left with a rather shy lad who would rather keep to himself. 'least that was before.
Kiya 替紋
....What are you looking at?
And he wasn't lookin' so bright either. All battered to hell. Won't take long before he's fried fish under the sun.
This guy... I rarely use my noggin for dungeons, but he made me think all throughout. Kiya's always so serious around me but I always get that tiny inch of a hunch that there's somethin' else going on.
Heathcliff REVENGE
Heh. Was just wondering about how charred you are right now. Reminds me of burnt meat.
Kiya 替紋
D-Don't think about that right now! We're in the middle of something! Um...
There it is. There's that blush on his face again. Ain't that a little strange? I crack something mildly amusing and he's flustered like a tomato.
Kiya 替紋
You...You don't look too good either, you know!
Heathcliff REVENGE
Yeah? How so?
Kiya 替紋
Uh, well...You've got...this expression that makes me want to hit you...?
Can't help myself sometimes. We're gonna get clawed anyway, might as well banter about it. We gotta have some talk even if it ends terribly.
...As I was about to say some more shit, the thing in front of us takes the oppurtunity to strike and his stomach gets torn open with the tail.
Kiya 替紋
Heathcliff REVENGE
Bloody hell-!
Kiya 替紋
Come to think of it, I always tell myself that we can try again, 'cause it's true. May be better to think it through, but guess this battle just wasn't it. My chest is aching from seeing the poor sod.
Now, you ever get a thought that dawns on you in awful moments? What were they called... A revelation, was it? I didn't quite get one of those just yet.
Kiya 替紋
We get thrown into the shitter, all the damn time. A measly whine and some scared eyes shouldn't make my chest hurt, or make me want to beat this thing until it's dead forever. So why...
Heathcliff REVENGE
Ghh. I fucked up. I fucked up, okay?! Hang in there. Just hang in there, I'll save you!
Why does it make me so sad?